Belvidere’s Paint On State Breaks Another Record

27 Jun 2017
BELVIDERE — The City of Murals’ largest-ever piece of public art was created by festivalgoers this weekend, and even before the temporary paint washes away, plans are being drawn to make it even bigger next year.
The Boone County Arts Council is considering expanding its Paint on State activity after another sellout, record-breaking event during the Heritage Days festival.
People painted 752 squares stretching for several blocks on Saturday. That compared to 544 in 2016 and 224 in 2015.
“It was just an all-around exciting feel-good day for seeing art in the community and seeing so many people involved,” said Lauren Hart, a Boone County Arts Council board member. “If the city is willing to paint them, we’re willing to sell them.”
Participants painted all types of things during Saturday’s Paint on State. Traces of their creations are expected to last on the street for about a month.
The council created Paint on State for the 2015 Heritage Days festival. Organizers took inspiration from discussions about chalk and community art.
For $5, participants are given a bag of paint supplies including paint brushes, a paint tray and water cup.
“If you run out of paint, you can go to the paint refill table,” Hart said.
The council this year offered an online purchase option and was able to sell 300 squares before the festival.
Paint on State proceeds go toward supplies, scholarships and the local Fifth Grade Arts Festival, Hart said.
Susan Vela: 815-987-1392;; @susanvela
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