Location Advantages
Travel Time to Work
The mean travel time to work has stayed relatively steady since 2000 in boone county, approximately 30 minutes. In 2015, 20.7% of the population traveled 45 minutes or more to work.
Source: U.S. Census
Commuting Characteristics
In 2015, the majority of Boone County’s workers (84.8%) drove to work alone, which is a slightly higher rate than both the state of Illinois (73.4%) and the United States (76.4%).
The number of workers using means of transportation other than a personal vehicle in Boone County (2.1%) was significantly lower than the State of Illinois rate (13.8%).
Source: U.S. Census
No Vehicles Available
In 2015, 1.6% of workers 16 or older in Boone County households did not have access to a vehicle. Comparatively, 5.1% of workers in the State of Illinois and 4.5% of workers in the United States did not have access to a vehicle.
Source: U.S. Census
Transportation Costs
On average, Boone County households spend $13,884 on annual transportation costs.
Households in the county typically spend 28% of their income on transportation.
The transportation costs in CNT’s H+T index are modeled based on three components of transportation behavior—auto ownership, auto use, and transit use—which are combined to estimate the cost of transportation.
Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT)
Annual GHG Emissions
In Boone County, the annual greenhouse gas emissions per household is 11.74 tons. Comparatively, the greenhouse gas emissions in McHenry County is 11.43 tons per household and Winnebago is 9.58 tons per household.
CNT calculates greenhouse gas emissions, using vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for the local household. A standard emissions factor of 0.438 metric tonnes of CO2 per mile is then applied to the local VMT estimates to get the emissions figure.
Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT)
Boone County is home to the Poplar Grove Airport and is within 75 miles of six primary airports, which have more than 10,000 passenger boardings annually.
Source: Federal Aviation Administration
Transportation Options
The total bike facilities in Boone County are a combination of the Long Prairie Path, Kishwaukee Riverfront Path, and the Prairie Fields Path. The total number of roadway miles is a combination of county, township, municipal, and tollway roads. The two transit providers in the county are RMTD and Boone County Council on Aging. The four taxi service providers in the county are 5 Stars Taxi, Zippy Taxi, Lucy’s Taxi, and Panama Taxi.
Source: Region 1 Planning Council