Kjellstrom Family Foundation

Kjellstrom Family Foundation Main Photo

23 Mar 2023


Kjellstrom Family Foundation
Spring Applications Due April 15

The Kjellstrom Family Foundation announces their Spring 2023 grant cycle with an application deadline of April 15th. Detailed information is available on their website at https://www.kjellstromfdn.org/.  
In general, individual grants will not exceed $40,000. Grant awards which match a challenge from an out-of-community entity or person will not exceed $25,000. The Foundation may also issue challenge grants for endowment or capital expenditures in an amount not to exceed $50,000. The Kjellstrom Family Foundation is a private foundation established in 2004 providing grants in the areas of youth organizations and programs, performing and visual arts, museums, people with disabilities, human services, literacy, nature, education, organization development and capacity building. The Foundation will also consider grants that serve as matching funds to a challenge grant. The Foundation has three annual grant cycles with awards being made in the months of May, September, and December. 

For more information, contact: Pam Clark Reidenbach, Executive Director, NICNE 815-494-6815