Recognize Economic Development this May!

Recognize Economic Development this May! Main Photo

3 May 2022


Boone County is a vibrant community, offering ample economic and personal growth opportunities. Economic development is a strong driver of the overall health of Boone County’s business and residential environment. Growth Dimensions Economic Development is the organization that works tirelessly to promote and maintain continuous momentum in that growth. Growth Dimension Economic Development is committed to working with businesses to encourage growth in Boone County and, in that regard, is celebrating 2022 National Economic Development Week, May 9 to 13.

Growth Dimensions Economic Development offers programming and resources year-round to assist local businesses and entrepreneurs, including:

Facilitate a collaborative business environment

Growth Dimensions Economic Development has sought to provide a progressive and cooperative environment to improve the quality of life in Boone County for more than 40 years. In collaboration with numerous area partners, Growth Dimensions Economic Development continuously advances a coordinated economic development strategy to create jobs, promote community assets and stimulate capital investment through business retention and attraction efforts.

One example is their involvement in the Reimagining Electric Vehicles in Illinois (REV) tax credit program. Along with area partners, leaders and legislators, they put together a rigorous campaign to encourage the passing of incentives that would make Illinois attractive to current and prospective automotive manufacturers and suppliers.

Training for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

Growth Dimensions Economic Development facilitates several training programs targeted to aid businesses with start-up, growth and expansion techniques. The Venture Program offers a range of resources and services provided by local experts designed to provide a roadmap entrepreneurs and business owners can put into practice for immediate success. Resources include:

FastTrac - a world-renowned entrepreneurial education program

Transform Rockford - a community-driven, grassroots movement to dramatically improve the social and economic well-being of the region.

Innov8 & Cre8 - a series of podcasts for and by innovators, creators and entrepreneurs. 

Connection to Business Incentives

Nothing helps existing and aspiring businesses like incentives that smooth the process and make their efforts more cost-effective. Growth Dimensions Economic Development provides the knowledge and connectivity to get these individuals in front of the proper available incentives, many of which are on this list.

National Economic Development Week

Fortunately, Growth Dimensions Economic Development is not an island in the middle of a storm of economic uncertainty. The International Economic Development Council hosts the seventh annual National Economic Development Week (EDW), May 9 to 13, which is an incredibly beneficial resource to local economic development efforts.

EDW is a chance to recognize economic developers, the local leaders and organizations who work tirelessly toward building vibrant and sustainable communities through activities like recruiting investors, developing businesses, creating jobs, enhancing the tax base and ultimately improving the quality of life of their communities. Many resources are available for those looking to participate in this year's events. The IEDC’s #EconDevWeek22 Toolkit offers many ideas while using #EconDevWeek22 can help amplify the value EDOs have in a community. 

Growth Dimensions Economic Development works tirelessly to support entrepreneurs and small businesses, focus on business retention and expansion, lead workforce development and assist with marketing and promotion to ensure the local community can achieve the highest quality of life possible. Contact us today to see how we can help!