Kiwanis Club of Rockford - Practices in Modem Policing and Police-Youth Engagement

17 Dec 2020
Research has documented the strained relationship between law enforcement and youth, specifically youth who are (1) from urban environments, (2) from lower socio-economic areas, (3) male, and (4) a minority. These studies demonstrate that these youth may hold an implicit bias against police; moreover, they may demonstrate their perceptions of injustice and societal marginalization by acting disrespectfully toward police. Similarly, studies find that police officers may hold unconscious biases against minority youth and make assumptions about young people based on their race, age, dress and appearance. - Practices in Modern Policing, Police-Youth Engagement
The Kiwanis Club of Rockford, Inc. has created this RFP seeking proposals from 501(c)(3) organizations, neighborhood associations, faith-based entities, or police departments in collaboration with a 501(c)(3) with the potential for multi-year funding up to $25,000 per year from the Kiwanis Charities of Rockford, Inc.
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