Poplar Grove Awarded IDOT EDP Funds
16 Jun 2016
Poplar Grove Awarded IDOT EDP funds
Funds to Help Retention and Expansion of Light Industrial Park
Poplar Grove, IL (June 15, 2016) – Today, the Village of Poplar Grove announced the awarding of over $273K in Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Economic Development Program (EDP) funds for roadway improvements. The improvements include upgrades to Park Street in Poplar Grove. The improvements are necessary to enable Forrest Pallet Company, currently located in Poplar Grove, to remain in Illinois, expand their existing facility, and create additional light industrial lots for development.
Forrest Pallet Company, a wooden pallet manufacturer will remain in Poplar Grove and will additionally invest to expand their current facility. Growth Dimensions, the Boone County economic development agency worked alongside IDOT and the Village of Poplar Grove to make application for, and receive the grant.
The funds will be used to reconstruct a portion of Park Street east of Poplar Grove Road. Forrest Pallet Company was eligible for this assistance due to its manufacturing operation and agreement to create and retain various employment positions in Illinois.
“This project was a big win for the region to help create the permanent full-time jobs at the site, as well as create significant construction jobs to build the facility and the supporting infrastructure,” said John Neitzel, Village President for Poplar Grove. “We are thankful to IDOT District 2 staff for understanding the importance of this project and providing support.”
“We are excited about Forrest Pallet remaining and how this will help maintain a strong economic employment base for the Village of Poplar Grove and Boone County into the future,” said Jarid Funderburg, Executive Director of Growth Dimensions. “Having Shovel Ready Sites that are zoned for industrial use in Poplar Grove is a differentiator for the Village as well as Boone County.”
Forrest Pallet Company is a wooden pallet manufacturer located in Poplar Grove and has been in business for over 23 years.
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